Second of three posts coming to you over the next week or so from the Palm Poets Series published by Black Moss Press.

Post II of III:

The Red Madonna by Dianne Joyce

Random poem shared here without judgment or censorship, at page 36, is The First Mermaid.

I’d love to hear what you think, your reactions, what feelings or memories the piece evokes:

The First Mermaid

It was all anger and confusion.

I came out of structure and dust
learned how to breathe in a sea
that had no limits.
The white foam eager to
leave and return
leave and return,
whispering the wild stories
of weather.

This is the mother place,
it holds me,
soothes the swollen parts.

I learn to dive, fishtail into secret depths.

Reflective silver: this is who I am now.

Bubbles pop words into the air.
If you could hear them
they would tell you what I have yet
to learn, how I came to escape fear,
how it still squeezes me between its
fingers, just when I think I’m safe.

Publisher: Black Moss Press
ISBN: 978-0-88753-452-3

Part I of III: The Red Dress by Mary Ann Mulhern

Part III of III: Zigzags by Roger Nash

Other “Off the Shelf” Selections